Early Morning Long Duration Balloon Launch

December 26th, 2007 andrea

ldb phil austin
Yesterday was my last chance to view a Long Duration Balloon launch at Wilie Field. Two launches had already happened while I was at the pole and in the Dry Valleys, so I was especially hoping to see this last one. An attempt at launching the ATIC payload was planned for 8PM last night (see http://www.nsbf.nasa.gov/antarctica/ice0708.htm for more details on all three experiments).

However, due to weather conditions, which need to be perfect, the balloon didn’t launch until 3AM. I stuck it out and the overcast weather and late hour gave me the benefit of being one of only two observers, and lots of access to recording. The entire experience was a blast. There was lots of time to joke around with the launch crew, and talk with the meteorology group (including Anne Dalvera who was sending up pibals – short for ‘pilot balloons’ – every half-hour) and the physicists running the experiments.

The following recordings are all binaural (yup, headphones!) and are only about 2 or 3 minutes max. First is a recording of downtime in the LDB galley. In it you can hear the voice of Kevin Yuill on the radio giving his weather observation report from the tower:

Phil Austin shown here was coordinating the entire production and generously spent time taking me through the process. Here is a recording of Phil right before the launch explaining what will happen:

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Measuring Ozone at the South Pole with NOAA’s Andy Clarke

December 18th, 2007 andrea

Yesterday I spent the day at the South Pole (3 hours there and back on a C-17 from McMurdo), and by chance met NOAA ozone measurement specialist Andy Clarke. He just happened to be launching a balloon sounding to measure ozone concentrations in the stratosphere that afternoon, so I was able to videotape the process with Andy’s expert commentary.

Here are some sounds- the first is an excerpt of the sound of blowing up the balloon:

and the balloon data in real time with explanation from Andy:

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Dr. Rick Aster, Geophysics Professor, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

December 10th, 2007 andrea

I had the great good fortune to catch Dr. Rick Aster before he left McMurdo. In this interview, Dr. Aster explains the science behind the Iceberg B15A recording in the previous post and several other iceberg recordings he and his colleagues have created. He also talks about the complex movement of waves in earth and the benefits of listening:

Here is a link to more sound files, seismic tremors on Mt. Erebus:

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Dr. Adam Lewis of North Dakota State University Geosciences

December 8th, 2007 andrea

I had the great honor and pleasure of spending time with Dr. Adam Lewis during his short trip here to be filmed for an upcoming NOVA episode. Here is an interview in two parts, part 2 is my favorite.

Part 1:

Part 2:

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Don Voigt, Pole Net, Penn State University

December 8th, 2007 andrea

I had an interesting conversation with Don Voigt of the Pole Net project, an ambitious project to place seismic monitors along the trans-Antarctic mountains. Don talks about his work on the Greenland ice sheet as well:

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